This project is a custom controller built to replace the original freezer controller that stopped working. It operates by reading the 10K NTC in the fridge and controlling the compressor relay.

Software Developer, Robotics/Electronics Guy.
This project is a custom controller built to replace the original freezer controller that stopped working. It operates by reading the 10K NTC in the fridge and controlling the compressor relay.
In a recent project, I needed to log data onto an SD card. However, I hit the flash storage limit after adding the SD card library. So, I opted to communicate with the card manually using SPI commands and write raw bytes, skipping the filesystem altogether.
My journey building a DIY split keyboard — the process, challenges, what I liked, what I didn’t, and what I’d do differently next time.
GravityZero is an Open Source STM32G473-based development board with two USB ports (Native & CH340 Serial), and access to nearly all the IO ports through the headers. alongside an onboard "NeoPixel" RGB LED.
One of the requirements of an ongoing project I’m working on is precisely controlling two brushless motors, this would typically be accomplished by using an off-the-shelf brushless driver like the ODRIVE or the VESC. However, I prefer to start projects from scratch and do things on my own. I chose to create a new driver, not because the existing ones are insufficient or flawed—in fact, they are probably superior to anything I could create. But simply because "I Can", Seriously though, this
Sometimes you need to access the Tor Network from your C++ application, but you don't really want to bloat your app with some big networking library ,or simply you don't know how to do so. Tor Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is an acronym derived from the original software project name The Onion Router. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than six thousand relays to conceal a user's
Sometimes you are developing some cross platform application, and maybe using Linux as your development platform, you may not have Windows installed or just lazy to switch. This should be a solution for you . In this tutorial we are going to setup a cross compilation environment on Linux to compile applications for Windows. At the end of the tutorial you'll have something like this Setting Up MXE ( MinGW ) First lets setup our cross compiler. We can simply do that by installing mingw-w64, but